What is Abstract Art

Abstraction is a style of art in which the artwork is unrelated to or represents anything in the natural world. The subject of the abstract is what the work of art itself consists of; colors, shapes, lines, textures, and everything else. These are collectively referred to as the formal qualities of a work of art. Abstract art is sometimes called non-figurative art.

Painting with Green Center (1913) high-resolution art by Wassily Kandinsky

As early as the 1860s, the term “abstract art” was used to describe various works of art. It combines the word abstraction, and the word art, a complex word related to creative expression and aesthetics. Abstract art typically expresses itself through colors and shapes rather than actual representations of reality.

I find abstract art valuable because a lot of it is concerned with the concepts of form, composition, and color. These concepts are essentially the basis of art and any other visual creativity such as graphic design and photography. I feel that even a seemingly simple abstract work can evoke a positive response and depict beauty, a work of art doesn’t have to have an immediate understanding of its meaning. However, I find that many people dismiss abstract art as “anyone can make”, “not real art”, or “even a child can do it”. Does art have to be representational to be good or effective?